Welcome to every body! I'm a Cher fan , and i love writing story abt Her! So in this blog u can find all of my works...and u can enjoy urself reading them! Every story is inspired by Cher (the Goddess) and my friend : Andrew, laura, Roberta and Loran,and...of course my love Jim! So if u like my story, u can write a comment :) Thank so much : I think...no i'm positive that i was fallen in love with Cher since i was 4. She was the 1° diva i saw on the television! I remember she was singing If i Could turn back time, and she's wearing her famouse outfit..but anyway, since this moment,she was impressed in my mind. When i grow up, my passion for this Diva became sooo sooo hight, and strong! Cher for me means so many thing!and the 1° is :Never give up and always continue on their way you can find me on twitter as :@drawingcher#crew. I'll be happy to talk with u ,and have a great fun :) I'm italian, but i can speak English, French and a very little bit of Spanish!if you like my blog, copy the link, and help me to improve it, reporting it on social :) Thanks


  1. 12/7 14:30 SlotoKing: SlotoKing Casino ÑëîòîÊèíã Êàçèíî îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò èãðàòü îíëàéí
  3. 2/10 17:14 NanyN.Y.P.D: ma il mio blog di Cher sopravvive a ogni cosa?
  4. 22/6 9:21 NanyN.Y.P.D: here i'm ! AGAIN
  5. 22/6 9:21 NanyN.Y.P.D: e guardate chi ritorna?
  6. 22/9 18:58 NanyN.Y.P.D: see u later :)
  7. 22/9 18:57 NanyN.Y.P.D: of course to improve my bolg, I have so many things to tell
  8. 22/9 18:57 NanyN.Y.P.D: Ok, here we are! Gonna to post some chapters..
  9. 22/9 18:56 NanyN.Y.P.D: For god sake, we need to change something here...
  10. 22/9 18:56 NanyN.Y.P.D: I am ALIVE!
  11. 16/6 21:38 NanyN.Y.P.D: NEW CHAPTER
  12. 1/6 10:52 NanyN.Y.P.D: rientriamo nella top 20 senza nemmeno fare spam )
  13. 2/5 9:18 NanyN.Y.P.D: hi guy :) i m gonna to post the next chapter :)
  14. 27/4 11:50 NanyN.Y.P.D: new skin and new logo :)
  15. 22/4 16:33 NanyN.Y.P.D: good morning... :) :)
  16. 15/4 15:43 Red_Passion: Buon proseguimento di giornata Anya :)
  17. 15/4 15:43 Red_Passion: Stacco un' attimo
  18. 29/3 18:39 NanyN.Y.P.D: and i'm writing a new fanfiction abt Tess and Marcus (nothing romanche, just friendship)
  19. 29/3 18:38 NanyN.Y.P.D: +chapter
  20. 29/3 18:38 NanyN.Y.P.D: hummm...i'm writing the next chaoter
  21. 19/3 15:30 NanyN.Y.P.D: Good morning :) Questo forum è adibito a storie inglesi incentrare su Cher e i suoi film
  22. 17/3 20:23 Red_Passion: Good evening, Anya
  23. 17/3 20:23 Red_Passion: Sto forum è inglese o italiano? Nun se capisce
  24. 2/3 11:29 NanyN.Y.P.D: tribute 4 our cher
  25. 2/3 11:29 NanyN.Y.P.D: yeeeep
  26. 2/3 11:04 NanyN.Y.P.D: waiting the next chap...i ll write a little...little story
  27. 2/3 11:04 NanyN.Y.P.D: welcome to every body :)
  28. 23/2 20:50 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter :) ;)
  29. 11/2 19:05 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter..new story...new emotions :)
  30. 6/2 15:06 »Chopper«: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7-KZDTqp_w
  31. 1/2 23:02 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter :) :) :) :) :) :)
  32. 1/2 23:01 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter
  33. 30/1 15:49 NanyN.Y.P.D: Im gonna to write the new chapter
  34. 26/1 16:02 NanyN.Y.P.D: Ok New chapter :)
  35. 16/1 23:41 NanyN.Y.P.D: New chapter
  36. 12/1 19:03 NanyN.Y.P.D: You haven't seen the last of me....and welcome to burlesque.
  37. 12/1 19:02 NanyN.Y.P.D: New chapter
  38. 10/1 10:09 NanyN.Y.P.D: sto preparando nuova fanfiction per Dave e Cher :)
  39. 8/1 11:36 NanyN.Y.P.D: In italiano.i nuovi capitoliiiiiii :)
  40. 8/1 11:35 NanyN.Y.P.D: Anche in ur
  41. 7/1 21:39 NanyN.Y.P.D: Tra poco anche la versione in italiano :)
  42. 7/1 21:39 NanyN.Y.P.D: Hope u like them :)
  43. 7/1 21:39 NanyN.Y.P.D: New chapteeeeer
  44. 6/1 15:16 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter :)))
  45. 6/1 15:16 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter
  46. 6/1 10:48 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter :)
  47. 5/1 13:56 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter:)
  48. 4/1 9:57 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter :)))
  49. 3/1 17:37 NanyN.Y.P.D: nuovo capitolo anche in italianooo :)
  50. 3/1 17:10 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter
  51. 3/1 9:38 NanyN.Y.P.D: new chapter :)


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25/12 18:16: red_passion in Che cosa preferisci?
20/11 23:10: NanyN.Y.P.D in Do you believe? 8

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view post Posted on 13/6/2014, 09:55 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"

Don't keep them waiting!!!!!
the news is already known in the world; the little Arturo a little polar bear is the next victim of the zoo.

The Argentine zoo soon is going to suppress him.
Don't let that happen!
Known associations and celebrities are working together to stop this massacre!
After the horrendous example of the giraffe killed a few months earlier, Marius, you must take action!
Note also the story of Billy the elephant (LA ZOO), for whom the singer and actress Cher, and her colleague, Lily Tomlin are fighting boldly!
Don't let these poor animals to their terrible fate!
If you truly know the word "love", help us to save Billy and Arthur.
These atrocities can not be countenanced in a modernized world like ours. We are in 2013!
Billy and Arturo are some of the most well known examples of endangered animals, but other creatures in the world are suffering precisely because of the zoo killer.
Please, do not bring your children to the zoo.
The caged animals are frequently sad and depressed.
But you, you can change their lives.
Share with us on twitter the following tags:

Thank you so much!
We need you :)

Edited by NanyN.Y.P.D - 22/6/2015, 09:22
Comments: 0 | Views: 120Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (13/6/2014, 09:55)

view post Posted on 22/6/2015, 08:45 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
L'ultima volta che mi ero dedicata al mio blog, è stato molto,molto...moltissimo tempo fa. Intanto un anno è passato senza la mia presenza, il forum è andato a rotoli..e io mi sono beccata una materia per settembre, dopo le numerosissime assenze che ho fatto per motivi di salute! Viva la vita!
Ma la mia passione per Cher non è diminuita nemmeno di un poco, tanto che adesso che ho più tempo, sono tutta concentrata e a studiare con diletto, e anche a mettermi in pari con le storia in inglese e in italiano, le news sulla grandissima diva del pop...
continuate a seguirmi come semp're :)
Un salutone
Comments: 0 | Views: 25Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (22/6/2015, 08:45)

view post Posted on 26/2/2015, 11:25 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
Ragazzi, ho incominciato da poco a pubblicare le mie poesie su Wattpad. Per favore, leggete i miei versi, e aggiungete una stellina o un commento se vi piace :)
Grazie mille
[SPOILER][/trovate un assaggio delle mie storie nella mia tabellaSPOILER]
Comments: 0 | Views: 29Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (26/2/2015, 11:25)

view post Posted on 24/9/2014, 15:52 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
Little pool. What's ur fav Cher's song? I think her new Cd is so cool...
Lemme know what 'll u decide and if u want, u'd write why.

Really it's so hard ,decide my favorite song. I think, however, it's You haven't seen the last of me.

Topic Funny Test
Comments: 0 | Views: 23Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (24/9/2014, 15:52)

view post Posted on 22/9/2014, 18:00 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
Piccolissima storia.
Joe e Cher.
Dopo lo spettacolo...che cosa potrebbe mai accadere?

Lo spettacolo era terminato. I fan erano ancora impressi nella testa della donna.
Era nel camerino e si stava cambiando. Pauli l'avrebbe raggiunto il giorno dopo.
Era seduta sulla sedia, e si stava osservando il piede. Nonostante l'operazione e il dolore continuo che era attenuato dagli antidolorifici, si sentiva ancora un pò da schifo.
Quel giorno si sentiva peggio. Ma non aveva detto nulla a nessuno. Era sempre stata forte, e nella sua vita aveva superato sfide più importanti che un piccolo dolore al piede non l'avrebbe di certo fermata.
Si guardò allo specchio attentamente.
Il tempo l'aveva cambiata. Nonostante lei rimanesse eternamente giovane , si sentiva cambiata. Più saggia...o forse solo più vecchia.
I suoi capelli lunghi e neri erano ancora fantastici, così come il suo viso.
Certo...qualche ruga qua e là...ma era stupenda.
Sospirò. La luce era soffusa.
Poi sentì bussare alla porta, e qualcuno entrò silenziosamente.
Cher si voltò piano piano, per vedere chi fosse.
Il suo volto si illuminò, e lei sorrise.
-Joe...- esclamò compiaciuta.
-Volevo farti i complimenti per questa sera. Sei stata fantastica..-
Il ragazzo la baciò su una guancia accarezzandole la mano.
Lei si alzò, e fece segno a Joe di seguirla sul divanetto.
-Ti ringrazio. Molto gentile da parte tua .- Cher si leccò le labbra
Joe sorrise, e incrociò le braccia.
-Stai meglio?-
La donna lo guardò con aria interrogativa.
-Meglio? In che senso?-
Joe scosse il capo.
-Andiamo Cher! Oggi non stavi affatto bene. Avevi la testa altrove. L'ho notato anche quando facevamo le prove. Che cosa c'è che non va?-
Lei si leccò le labbra nervosamente.
-Nulla....è tutto ok...-
-Ne sei sicura?-
Lei abbassò lo sguardo, e si avvicinò al ragazzo.
-No...- ammise - Gli antidolorifici fanno schifo,mi fanno vomitare tutto il giorno. -
Joe annuì. -Solo questo?.-
La donna scosse il capo.
-Il tour sta andando bene...ma io non ce la faccio più. Insomma...non che sia stanca. Ma non mi sento motivata... Pensavo che questo ultimo tour fosse più bello...-
Joe accarezzò la spalla della donna.
-E allora rendilo divertente.-
Lei lo guardò perplessa.
- E come? I giovani di ora, non mi conoscono abbastanza. Io sono Cher, ma le nuove generazioni mi confondono con altri. Preferiscono Gaga...a me. Ed è giusto così. Ma mi sento fuori luogo.-
Joe sorrise.
-Sai sembra strano...ma,non avrei mai creduto che un giorno sarei stato di aiuto alla grande Cher.-
Lei lo guardò incuriosita.
-Cher, fai quello che vuoi. Questo è il tuo spettacolo. Come hai detto te : Tu sei Cher. Nessun'altro è come te. Quindi...se vuoi ballare, fallo. Se non vuoi...non lo fare. Se vuoi cantare canta, e se vuoi mandare a fanculo qualcuno...fallo! Nessuno ti fermerà.-
La donna sorrise.
-Non lo s...

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racconti Italiani
Comments: 0 | Views: 52Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (22/9/2014, 18:00)

view post Posted on 24/8/2014, 09:44 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
They had almost finished the tour of the house.
-The pool is fantastic Marcus ... -
-Well, in fact it is one of my favorite places with the terrace. -
They walked along the corridor.
-This is your room ... -
Marcus opened the door.
A room in oriental style. With scented candles everywhere and an adjoining bathroom.
-Oh my God! Marcus this looks like a hotel room. -
The man smiled.
-I hope you like it. -
-Absolutely. I love this room. Marcus, thank you very much . -
She sighed.
-What's wrong?
-I don't know if I can sleep. Lately, I suffer from insomnia, and ... -
Marcus nodded.
-Well, now you're not at your house. You're not with Vince. You are here, with me. So you can peaceful sleep. -
Marcus gestured to the woman to follow him.
-This ... is my bedroom. As you can see it is close to the main bathroom. -
-Third door right? -
-The exact third door to the room ... and ... -
-Second bath-
The two laughed.
-You begin to know this house better than me. -
The room of Marcus, was a splendor.
Near the bed, on the furniture, the photograph of his family.
-Are you with your family? -
-yes .. Mom, Dad, my sister and my younger brother. -
Tess looked around.
She had never seen a house so luxurious as that of him.
The window looked directly at the ocean.
-So ... this is your ... room-she said more and more delighted.
-I'm glad you like it. -
The woman approached the man.
-I .. I just have a little problem. -
-Tess, I told you ... I do not have to pay anything. -
-No ... well, that's not why. -
-What? -
-I have nothing to wear. -
Marcus smiled, nodding.
-Well, we could think about it tomorrow. We do our shopping. -
-Marcus, I do not want you pay a dime for me. -
- Well ... forget it! Real men take charge of everything for their woman. -
Tess looked smug, smiling and blushing.
-What ? Did I say something wrong? -
-I'd be your woman? -
The question seemed pretty nasty.
Marcus handed her his shirt.
-Keep ... for tonight. -
-You did not answer the question-
Tess replied, taking his shirt.
-Well ... -
The woman approached the man kissing him gently on the lips.
-I think tonight you've said enough ... -
Marcus pulled the woman to himself.
He looked into her eyes, and then kissed her.
This time with more passion.
Marcus' hands went down along the back of the woman.
Tess put her arms around those of Marcus
She responded to the kiss with intensity.
Then they parted.
Tess walked towards the door.
-Good night ... my men -.
she said, laughing.
That kiss was sensational.
Tess ... the goddess of burlesque had kissed him.
Marcus was left shocked and pleased at the same time.
After a while, Marcus opened the bedroom door of Tess, and found the woman discovered that she slept peacefully, wearing the shirt baseball of Marcus.
He took a ...

Read the whole post...

Comments: 0 | Views: 99Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (24/8/2014, 09:44)

view post Posted on 24/8/2014, 09:35 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
The Burlesque was deserted. It had been three days since Tess had discussed with Vince. And at the Club no one had seen her yet.
Marcus was sitting on the counter and was drinking a glass of ginger.
Tess joined him.
-Hey ...-she said heartbroken.
-Hello ... -
Marcus put his glass down.
-You'll wonder where I've been so far, right? -
Marcus looked into her eyes, and he could feel her sadness.
-In your office. -
-Yeah ... -
The woman sat down next to him.
Marcus felt a chill run down his spine.
Her eyes were red and despite being the made ​​up carefully, you could very well see her suffering.
-Can I do anything for you? -
-I do not know. A bottle of whiskey does not ... will not solve my problems. - The woman said, looking around.
-Not even a hundred, would fill my empty .. -
Marcus nodded.
-Sean told me what happened between you and ... -
-What a son of a bitch. -
Marcus swallowed.
- A damn asshole. -
Marcus patted the woman's hand.
- I ... I just want to be happy. -
Her eyes filled with tears.
Marcus handed her a kerchief to dry.
She smiled.
- You know, I should have listened to my mother. She was right. Vince would never have made mr happy. -
-Then why did you marry him? -
-I wanted to prove to my mother that she was wrong. Vince and I would have been happy together. -
-And what happened? -
-Everything ... everything is born, the night after the wedding. -
-Have you done sex ..? -
-Yes. Mom wanted so much an heir. And Vince and I were ready to have a baby. -
She licked her lips.
-We tried a whole year ... with no results. I thought ... it was my fault. We tried for four long years. -
Her words seemed to come from his heart.
-I should not wonder if Debbie became pregnant. -
He laughed, and Marcus also did the same.
-Do you want to go home? -
-I do not wanna go to my house. -
The woman answered coldly.
-Well .. I did not say "your house" ... if you want, you can come stay with me ... until it is all sorted out with Vince. -
The woman hugged Marcus.
-You would do this favor for me? -
- Again ... in short, my house is also your home until you want. -
-Well ... I'll have to find the money to pay the rent monthly. -
Marcus shook his head.
-No rent. You are free to come and go from my house. -
Tess patted the man's hand, squeezing it hard.
-Thank you Marcus. I do not want to be a burden to you. Well ... I continually mood swings .... -
-Do not worry. -
The two looked at each other, then the boy looked down.
- But only on one condition ... -
The woman looked at him puzzled.
-I do not want to see you ... never say never sad. -
Tess smiled.
-Okay Sir Gaber! -
The two laughed.
They got into the car.
-You would not mind if I drive. - Marcus said turning on the engine.
-No .. do not worry. You lend me home ... I'll lend you the car....

Read the whole post...

Comments: 0 | Views: 71Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (24/8/2014, 09:35)

view post Posted on 24/8/2014, 09:32 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
here we are! this is the 5th chapter !

- Vince I'm tired-
- Where did you spend the night? -
- it's not your business. -
-That's my business Tess! -
Vince screamed.
- You're my woman, and I have to to know where you spend the night when you're not with me. -
The woman glared at him.
- Since when are you interested in me?. -
- Tess, come on! finish it with these speeches. You know that I love you. -
- No! It is not true. You don't love me. You just want a son to me. -
- You too-
- Vince these speeches now, they're coming to boredom. -
The two looked at each other.
- You have another man? -
- And you have another woman? -
Vince looked down.
-Shit ... -
Tess sighed in frustration.
-I did not go to bed together. -
-Good! Should I rejoice? Vince, you just said you love me! -
-And it is so. But our relationship is suffocating me. -
Tess raised her voice.
-Do you know how many times I wanted to betray you because I felt suffocated? -
she licked her lips.
-Every night knocking at my office so many men. But I've never betrayed you. Because I care our relationship. -
-If you care ... -
-If I care to our relationship, what? -
The woman screamed.
She was beside himself.
-How long ....? -
- In what sense? -
-How long long have you been in a relationship with another woman ... and What's her name. -
-About fifteen days ... her name is Debbie. -
Tess smiled in dismay.
-Debbie? ... How old is she? -
-I do not see why you should be of interest. -
Tess shook her head.
- You're right, I ask questions for a person that is worth so little. You're my disappointment Vince. You ... -
She took the nameplate on her desk and threw it on the ground.
-You are a worm ... you're a coward ... you're an asshole! -
Vince gulped.
-Tess I'm still in time to break my relationship with Debbie ... -
-What? Vince I am not an object of you own. -
The woman approached the man.
-I spent sleepless nights waiting for you came home .. I came in my bed ... -
tears slipped on her face
-That you made love with me. Yes .. I also wish to have a baby. They are almost eight years that we try! -
-And I do not think that I do not really care? -
-Obviously not. Obviously not, if you have another .. -
- On this you are wrong. I wanted a family, But you ... you're just like your mother -
- Do not talk about my mother! She is not to blame. -
Tess licked her lips.
- You and I, we're a family. For you ... Burlesque means "family." -
- I've worked here since I was little Vince. Sean is my best friend. Jack is almost like a son to me ... as well as Nikki .. and Georgia ... -
- For you! Not for me! I wanted a different future for us. I hate to see you toddle among the tables, and behave like a whore with customers. -...

Read the whole post...

Comments: 0 | Views: 80Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (24/8/2014, 09:32)

view post Posted on 23/8/2014, 10:11 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"

I'm dancin' solo
In the dark on the club floor
I need to let it go
Shake it off stop thinkin' 'bout you

I lose myself in the beat of the drum
Tryin' try-tryin' to forget what you done done
But honey this is a battle that you haven't won

Torn up, busted, taken apart
I've been broken down
Left with a broken heart
But I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Tell the truth
This is a woman's world
Tell the truth
This is a woman's world

And I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Tell the truth
This is a woman's world
Tell the truth
This is a woman's world

And I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Love Hurts, your lies, they cut me
But now your words don't mean a thing
I don't give a damn if you ever love me

'Cause it don't matter I'm movin' on
Go-gonna lose myself in the beat of the drum
'Cause honey this is a battle that you haven't won

Torn up, busted, taken apart
I've been broken down
Left with a broken heart
But I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Tell the truth
This is a woman's world
Tell the truth
This is a woman's world

And I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Tell the truth
This is a woman's world
Tell the truth
This is a woman's world

And I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

All the women in the world
Stand up come together now
This is a woman's world
Everybody in the club
Stand up come together now
This is a woman's world
All the women in the world
Stand up come together now
This is a woman's world
Everybody in the club
Stand up come together now
This is a woman's world

Tell the truth
This is a woman's world
Tell the truth
This is a woman's world

And I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Tell the truth
This is a woman's world
Tell the truth
This is a woman's world

And I'm stronger
Strong enough to rise above
This is a woman's world
This is a woman's world

Read the whole post...

cher's song
Comments: 0 | Views: 33Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (23/8/2014, 10:11)

view post Posted on 23/8/2014, 09:57 by: NanyN.Y.P.D "quote"
TILAM....one of my fav songs by Cher.
This song is really cool :)

Boy, if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man
Before you fight for us
You gotta show me that you can

They say it's better to love and to lose it all
I didn't learn how to fly without a heavy fall
I went from A to Z, blew off reality
So if my love is a game then you should learn the rules
You take it on if you're leaving wonder why you lose
It takes a wiser man to figure out my head

I've been in love, went to the other side
I've seen the other side
I'm not about to fall into another tonight
So get it right

Boy, if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man
Before you fight for us
You gotta show me that you can
So when the lights go dark
I wanna know you understand
That if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man

I've seen and done it all
I've been misunderstood
But tell me what could be bad about feeling good
It's all or nothing now
'Cause fate don't wait around

I've been in love, went to the other side
I've seen the other side
I'm not about to fall into another tonight
So get it right

Boy, if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man
Before you fight for us
You gotta show me that you can

So when the lights go dark
I wanna know you understand
That if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man

Sometimes it feels
Like we've got everything to prove
We make believe
But we rise again to face the truth

On and on, on and on we're going
On and on, on and on it's growing
On and on, on and on only the real
Know the deal

Boy, if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man
Before you fight for us
You gotta show me that you can

So when the lights go dark
I wanna know you understand
That if you want my heart
You gotta take it like a man

How does it feel? We do it better!
So get the love that's in your heart
How does it feel? We do it better!
We do it better!

How does it feel? We do it better!
So get the love that's in your heart
How does it feel? We do it better!
We do it better!

How does it feel? We do it better!
So get the love that's in your heart
How does it feel? We do it better...


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cher's song
Comments: 0 | Views: 37Last Post by: NanyN.Y.P.D (23/8/2014, 09:57)
